Link roundup: May 2019

2 minute read


NYT | Frances Arnold Turns Microbes Into Living Factories
In the Pipeline | Antibody Design, Publicly Challenged
Nature | A DIY approach to automating your lab
The Atlantic | The Myth of ‘Learning Styles’
The New Yorker | Can We Live Longer but Stay Younger?
8 Simple Tips to Live Longer and Healthier
Sci Am | Can You Prevent Pregnancy with the Pullout Method?
Nautilus | Yes, Determinists, There Is Free Will
Nature | Indonesia tops open-access publishing charts
There Is Such a Thing as Too Much Coffee, Scientists Say tl;dr Drinking no or too much coffee is associated with higher incidence of CVD/CAD/stroke so drink 1-2 cups/day.
Science | Meet the blue crew, scientists trying to give food, flowers, and more a color rarely found in nature
Let your cat submit your grant application
CONIECT researcher wins big on TV show, will use cash to fund cancer project
The Scientist | Genetically Modified Viral Cocktail Treats Deadly Bacteria in Teen
Nautilus | Nurture Alone Can’t Explain Male Aggression
New approach for solving protein structures from tiny crystals
In the Pipeline | A Small-Molecule CRISPR Inhibitor
CBD: a marijuana miracle or just another health fad?
CNN | The most effective ways to curb climate change might surprise you
Vox | Why you shouldn’t exercise to lose weight, explained with 60+ studies
Nautilus | How the Western Diet Has Derailed Our Evolution
Science | Want to become a better mentor? Ask for anonymous feedback
Nature | How small changes to a paper can help to smooth the review process
10 Things No One Told Me About Applying for Tenure
Deadly box jellyfish antidote discovered using CRISPR genome editing
Nat Geo | See the world’s oldest trees by starlight
In the Pipeline | Muting Mutations

Nature | Design and evolution of an enzyme with a non-canonical organocatalytic mechanism
R Soc Open Sci | Communicating uncertainty about facts, numbers and science
PLoS Comp Bio | Securing the future of research computing in the biosciences
Nature | Total synthesis of Escherichia coli with a recoded genome
Ann Intern Med | Association Among Dietary Supplement Use, Nutrient Intake, and Mortality Among U.S. Adults: A Cohort Study

Wired | The Glorious, Almost-Disconnected Boredom of My Walk in Japan
How to Grow Up: A Guide to Humans
SMBC | Thin Ice
HBR | The Hard Truth About Innovative Cultures
The Politics of Humor
Darwinian existentialism: The history — and evolution — of the meaning of life
Want to Fall Asleep Faster? Military Pilots Use This Hack to Sleep Anywhere in 2 Minutes or Less

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