Splitting a row of matplotlib subplots to columns

less than 1 minute read


Case: I have many rows of subplots and would like to divide them up in multiple columns

The solution is quite simple with modulo operator, although it took me embarassingly sometime to figure it out.
First, let’s say we have a list of plot names:

plots = ['plot1', 'plot2',...]

If we plot this in one column, it would be:


fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrow, ncol)

for ind, title in enumerate(plots):
    ax = axes[ind]

Now if we want to split this to, say, 3 columns,


fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrow, ncol)

for ind, title in enumerate(plots):
    ax = axes[ind%nrow,ind//nrow]

For the row index, the modulo operator ‘resets’ ind for every column by modulo-ing it with nrow. For the column index, simply divide ind with nrow and round down.

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